Articles by Neil H. Bowles, C.S.B.
Published in the Christian Science Sentinel
- Cherish True Individuality
- Teachableness
- Why Do We Pray?
- How Class Instruction Equips Us to Heal
- The Healing Word of Truth
- Putting on the New Man
- Total Commitment to Good
- The Christian Science Practitioner
- The Metaphysical Process of Healing
- The Healing Mission of the Mother Church
- Unfoldment
- Our Duty to Pray Daily
- Healing “By Prayer and Fasting”
- “Rousing the Dormant Understanding”
- Love Overcoming Fear
- Understanding prayer
Published in the Christian Science Journal
- The Method and Power of Enlightened Prayer
- Demonstrating Spiritual Environment
- Father-Mother God
- Attracting the Public to the Church
- Goodness Demonstrates Truth
- The Manual: Staff and Rod
- Only One Kind of Man
- Videoconference 1984: A Perception
- No Recession in Mind
- Spirit’s Tangibleness
- Overcoming the Influence of Animal Magnetism on Morals
- Success through Spiritual Attraction
- The What and Why of Morality
Articles by Mr. Bowles have been translated into many different languages – including German, Portuguese, Spanish and French – and may be found in the Christian Science Herald. Please visit JSH-Online to search for other articles by Mr. Bowles.
Lectures by Neil H. Bowles, C.S.B.
Click a play button below to listen to one of the lectures written by our teacher. Lectures read aloud by Patrick McCreary, C.S.
“Christian Science: It’s Revelation of God’s Healing and Protecting Law”
“Christian Science Meets Humanity’s Needs”
“Christian Science Reveals Man’s Unlimited Abilities”
“The Cause & Cure of Ill Health”
“What’s Necessary About Religion?”
“Who is Your Brother’s Keeper?”
“Christian Science:
Its Reforming and Healing Mission”
“The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb,
and the leopard shall lie down with the kid;
and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together;
and a little child shall lead them.”– Isaiah 11:6